Tomatoes on a dwarf apple tree...
Tomato hiding...
Strawberry picking...
Red anjou pears...
Raspberry picking...
Hidden raspberries...
Nasturtiums after rain (lotus effect)...
Self-cleaning nasturtium leaves, perfect spheres of water...
Luscious pears near harvest...
Luscious pears early spring...
Logs ready to inoculate with mushroom mycelium...
Arctic kiwi flowers...
Arctic kiwi fruit...
Indigo rose tomatoes...
Haskap berry...
Grill top after rain...
Grape trellis ready for second round of harvesting...
Baby bird waiting for safe time to eat grapes...
Goji berries...
View of part of the food forest...
Elderberry roots...
A day's worth...
Calla lily...
Big blue grapes...
Bitter melon...
Borage buds...
Bee's friend...